Photo Editor Studio is the best app to edit your photos with different tools and effects. It allows you to process your photos with an arsenal of editing tools to create amazing images. You can share your edited photos through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, email or any other application.
- Adjust brightness, contrast and saturation.
- Apply color filters: red, blue and green.
- Rotate and flip images.
- Apply different types of effects: Negative, Gray scale image, Neon, Bump, Mirror, Light, Sepia, Bend,Oil Paint, Snow, Stamp, Noise, Marble, Emboss, Engrave, etc.
- Different kinds of image formats are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.
Photo Editor Studio is an awesome app for processing all your images.
- 调整亮度,对比度和饱和度。
- 应用彩色滤光片:红色,蓝色和绿色。
- 旋转和翻转图像。
- 应用不同类型的效果:负片,灰度图像,霓虹灯,凹凸,镜子,灯,深褐色,弯曲,油漆,雪,邮票,噪声,大理石,浮雕,雕刻等。
- 不同类型的图像格式支持JPEG,PNG,GIF等